Are you trying to copy the great, the 1, the only GOUKISAN?????
Anyway nice song Lol!
Are you trying to copy the great, the 1, the only GOUKISAN?????
Anyway nice song Lol!
nope, was trying to make classical piano song and thought it will be fun to make a trance of it and there you go :) thx for a review!
I like it
It sounds somewhat orcestral near the start.
I've got a freind called Evil Erik come listen to our music!
Alright lol. Thanks for the review.
Great name but it's a bit disconcerting. Maybe thats how you wanted it?
Err, I'm not sure wat you meant but I will treat that as a positive comment
i like the tune but i dont see why, well dunnow really i'm confused.
as you can see XD
I like it
it sounds a bit like busted but they used to be my fave band!
I don't like it, it's feakin' me out.
all right i suppose
i like the tune from 2:37
What's this knob do?
it makes cool music!!
Hehe, thanks!
bong bong
do you pronounse louis (loo-is) or (loo-i)?
Search for Toxic Tom on Soundcloud to listen to my new music
Hertfordshire, England
Joined on 7/9/08